Building a Productive Relationship with your Supervisor

Completing a PhD thesis is, in many respects, a solo endeavour; nevertheless, the PhD is a guided academic journey and your guide—the thesis supervisor or supervisors—plays a vital role in that voyage. Whether you are in the process of approaching potential academic supervisors, have recently started your project with a new supervisor or have a

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Time Management and Motivation

When studying at school or university, you will normally be enrolled in more than one subject or course each semester. The busiest and most stressful time of a semester is when examinations and assignment deadlines are approaching, usually all at the same time! But you can easily reduce this stress or even avoid this situation

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How to Choose Your Degree or Your Major

For students considering enrolling in a degree, trying to decide which degree is right for them can be extremely difficult. Similarly, for students in a general degree, like a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science, choosing a major can be very tough. Some people have known since they were kids what they wanted to

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How do I motivate myself to write my thesis?

The human brain is a funny thing. Even when we have a great reason to do something—a clean house, money, more free time, better health, greater knowledge—we somehow find ways to procrastinate and dawdle, preferring the easier but less preferable present to the more difficult but more rewarding future. Writing a thesis is much the

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How to Find New Places to Study and Work

For students writing a thesis, it can be a long and sometimes lonely journey. From the big lecture theatres and lively tutorial groups of undergraduate study, the solitary work of the PhD or masters student can be a culture shock, especially when you find yourself shut off in your bedroom, toiling at your desk day

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Where to Work on your Thesis in London

London is a huge, sometimes daunting city that people from all over the world call home. Students in particular—whether born and bred in London, journeying from the further reaches of the UK or from other countries—find themselves in this vast metropolis to take advantage of the many exceptional universities (like the London School of Economics,

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Shut Up and Write!

This is not a command from a particularly cranky and irritated supervisor, but an increasingly popular strategy used to facilitate short bursts of productive writing in a fun and social setting. ‘Fun’ and ‘social’ are not words students or academics generally use to describe the hard slog of the usually solitary pursuit of academic writing,

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Do You Suffer from Postgraduate Writers Block?

  How many of the following ‘symptoms’ apply to you right now? •    avoiding getting started with writing •    doing vast amounts of research but not writing it up •    re-drafting written work over and over again but still not being happy with it •    not finishing nearly completed written tasks •    avoiding showing written

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Writing an Effective Résumé

For many, writing a résumé can be a daunting task. Quite often, the power of a résumé is underestimated, but of course a résumé acts as your first impression to your potential employer. Since it could be among thousands of résumés sent to a company, it is really important that yours establishes your value as

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