Time Management and Motivation

When studying at school or university, you will normally be enrolled in more than one subject or course each semester. The busiest and most stressful time of a semester is when examinations and assignment deadlines are approaching, usually all at the same time! But you can easily reduce this stress or even avoid this situation

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Ten Ways to Improve Your Grades

  It is possible to improve your grades by self-editing your essay or assignment before you hand it in. Many students fail to look over their work once they have completed it, or they do not know what to look for. This means that students are handing in work that contains spelling mistakes, grammatical errors,

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Reading for Academic Purposes: How to Read Critically for Academic Purposes

Anyone enrolled in a university degree understands the challenges of academic reading. It is a painstaking, time-consuming and stressful task. Unlike reading for pleasure for which many people can spend days and nights sticking with the same book, reading for academic purposes can sometimes cause boredom and frustration. Many people are put off by the

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How to Stop Procrastination

‘My advice is to never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.’—Charles Dickens The problem with procrastination is that it is just too easy to do. If there is still one week until the essay is due, surely there is time to watch a few more episodes of your

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Being a Metacognitive Learner

To be a metacognitive learner is to be aware of your learning processes and to know how to regulate them. Metacognitive learners are successful students because they take ownership of their learning, rather than expecting their professors to spoon-feed them information. We have created a short guide on how to become a metacognitive learner. Just

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How To Improve Your Grades

This article is intended for students going to university for the first time, though it might also have some helpful hints for more experienced undergrads. It will also probably be more relevant to students of Humanities and Social Sciences subjects. Manage Your Time Effectively Don’t wait until an assignment or essay is due in a

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