What are the advantages and disadvantages of self-editing?

Any thesis supervisor will tell you that editing your work is essential. Even if you think you’ve written it perfectly, most proofreading will return at least a few glaring errors. Many people, especially international students, will choose to pay a professional editor to review their work, but many also opt to self-edit. So what are

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5 Fast Facts about Italics

  Students often overuse italics in their essays and theses. Here are some facts about italics that can help improve your writing: Italics can be used for foreign language words. For example, ‘It was a quid pro quo agreement’. However, note that ‘et. al’, ‘ibid’, ‘e.g.’ and other Latin words used in referencing are not

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Three embarrassing typos… and what you can learn from them

Typos, spelling mistakes, bad punctuation. Slip-ups happen to the best of us when we’re rushing, tired, under pressure or a bit confused: which is pretty much the description of a stressed out university student writing an essay that’s due soon. At best, they make you look silly and careless. At worst, they can undermine the

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7 Strategies for Controlling Your Word Count

So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads – Dr Seuss After spending hours, days and sometimes years researching an essay, article or thesis, it can be difficult to squeeze all that valuable information into the designated word count. Knowing how to sacrifice words

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